"The Real Deal"

June 25, 2003 : 3:47 pm
Now Playing: Paul Simon - Graceland
Porn Title of the Day:
Okay okay, sorry about that last entry. I'm at my sister's and len was here and I feel bad sitting in front of the computer for any length of time while he sits on the couch and waits for me to be finished.

So, wow. It's been like 77 days since I really updated this thing, so I guess I have to make a long, long LONG story short. Heh.

Basically, we loved Jasper...I mean, we really really loved it. However, in order to live there and survive and buy food and things, you need a job, and our jobs happened to blow goats like nothing you have ever seen. So, yeah. We left for a thousand and one reasons, but they were all mostly job-related. The housekeeping staff at the particular hotel we were working at are underpaid, underappreciated, treated like crap by everyone else, and every single one of themabsolutely loathe their job. It's a difficult environment to be in for an extended period of time, needless to say. To give an example of the turnover rate, we were there for not even three months, and by the time we left, out of 15 housekeepers (with two exceptions), we had been there longer than anyone else. Sick, eh?

So anyway, yeah. Don't get me wrong, we made a ridiculous amount of friends there, some of whom I know we'll cross paths with again. I'm in no way sorry that we went, and neither is len. We just....well, we were ready to come home. He actually flew home today, but I'm not flying home until July 5th. I have to wait for my favourite Sarah to come visit me. Hooray! I just know the fun will never stop. :)

Speaking of stopping, I've had enough writing for one day.

Instead, here's some of my favourite Jasper pictures:

Me, Marina, Sara and Emilie before an exciting evening out.

Len and Tim fishin' at Old Fort Point. Photos really don't do it justice.

Taken like, my third day in Jasper when I wasn't USED to having deer hanging around outside my apartment building.

Len on Bear Hill, which was directly behind our building. An extremely steep and exhausting climb, but as you can see, it's well worth it.

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