"home again home again jiggedy-jigg"

August 18, 2002 : 8:11 pm
Now Playing: Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings
Porn Title of the Day:
I got the job. Wheeee....I am scared. It's a fancy place with fancy people and I am not so fancy.

We are looking at apartments soon, Len and I. Probably later this week. Some people don't think it's cool that we're living together....for instance, my parents wouldn't if they knew...*ahem*. But to those people, I say "Hush." Perhaps we will fight and hate each other and break up and never speak again, but it seems unlikely from my present perspective. Above all, we are friends. We don't stress each other out, we don't raise our voices, we just sit together and be quiet and happy. I think we can do that permanently. If we can't, we can't.....but I'm feeling good about it.

Sarah you are the most wonderful girl ever, and I love you. I have a stunning picture of you playing the guitar in the sun. I will surely frame it and bring it with me to my new town.

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