"shifting ever-so-slightly"

September 17, 2002 : 7:27 am
Now Playing: Weezer - "Tired of Sex"
Porn Title of the Day:
So, I've had this gold membership to diaryland for quite some time now, but never really got around to making any banners for myself(!) So tonight (I mean, last night), in about an hour or two, I threw together this shoddy banner which basically states how much I enjoy eating children....and it was approved! And it's "up-and-running"....and so far my "click-through" percentage (percentage of people who see the banner and click on it) is something like 9% which sounds really lame but is actually way higher than the average (2.5%). I guess that just goes to show that people like people who like kids......for dinner!!

In other news, I was going to go job-hunting today but now I may not, seeing as how I once again did not get a wink of sleep all night. However i did sleep in yesterday(?) until like, 3:30pm, so....hopefully I'll be good to go nonetheless.

What else...hopefully my paycheque from the Inn will arrive today. It's perfect timing, really, seeing as how after a week-and-a-half of pizza, pot, and packs of cigarettes (for me!), Len's cheque from Joe's is nearly gone. Man! Do I ever hate money. That may or may not be true, but it sounds appropriate for this time and place.

Went out for coffee on Sunday with Colin K....realized I don't really have anyone I can just sit on the sidewalk and ridicule people with. Kinda makes me sad. Also that car-smell. Damn. Anyway, hopefully there will be a next time, and when it comes, it will be a little more time-savvy.


Oog. Make the morning go away.

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