"Moses, Stickerdoodle,and Shoyru...my little darlings."

October 11, 2002 : 5:17 am
Now Playing: see below
Porn Title of the Day:
Len's dad drove me home tonight and i put in a mixed cd....the first song was the bloodhound gang's "i wish i was queer (so i could get chicks)"...iwondered if i should be embarrassed, but he liked it and laughed. That was good stuff right there.

Somehow, somewhere along the line I became a neopets addict. God spare my soul. That place is the devil. I can't stay away. Just the fact that I'm up at 5:17am should be some indication. I showed len my neopets today. He wasn't impressed. Man.

OH and speaking of impressive, South of the Border offered me an (almost) full-time job today...30-35 hours a week, permanently, which is cool because orginally they were hiring for seasonal part-time. Maybe they liked me. That would be nice. When and if Winners call I will laugh at them because the winners interview-lady was mean....and you know what i don't need them, because at least two and maybe three other stores wanted me to work there. They even created a job for me. So!

...so? I have no idea.

I had the greatest, greatest night last night. I....just did. Len was there, and it was nice. Elaborating would only spoil it. :)

If drunken pool were a sport, I would play, and I would win. I would fall down a lot, yes, but I would win.

Then I would most likely do a little dance of some description

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