"some happy things."

November 26, 2002 : 12:50 am
Now Playing: Some song that goes "dum dum dum dum waooooo waooo waoooo"
Porn Title of the Day:
Len bought me a WEEZER calendar. I wasn't aware such a thing even existed, but apparantly, it does....and he just bought one for me, for no reason.

...THEN he hid it in his kitchen and made me find it. (This led to a lot of "This Joe Louis? Is this it?"...."What about those croissants? I like croissants. Are they for me?"...."This mug isn't for me, is it? Good.")

A WEEZER calendar. Wicked man, wicked.

I guess boys aren't so bad, after all. :)

(ps: this refers specifically, but not exclusively, to Len, who loves me and hugs me and buys me sparkly things, Mike, my new friend who can read japanese and play "Everything I Do (I Do it For You)" on acoustic guitar, and Ryan, who has pink hair and a kind soul. Thanks.)

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