"....feeling better, but my foots hurt."

December 07, 2002 : 11:32 pm
Now Playing: "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey is on repeat in my head.
Porn Title of the Day:
Thanks everyone for the seven kind words on my entry last night. To the person who sent the one not-as-kind word...thanks for the effort, perhaps you meant well, but you came off as a bitter ass. Sorry, but I'm too exhausted and generally pissed-off to put up with that sort of judgemental Dr. Phil stuff today. And hey, it's my diary! I should, in theory, be able to say what I want without someone telling ME what MY problems are. Keep it to yourself. I realize it was more than likely one of my close friends that wrote that (as it has happened before), which makes me feel even better. Thanks yo.


But yeah, on a lighter note again, thanks kindly to everyone else. After working an eleven-hour day today, it was a nice thing to come home to....particularly because my fellow employees have taken to calling me "Skinny-Sticks". *sigh* So yeah, thank you. You're all dears. Jon....you're a little strange, but a dear nonetheless.

...Oh, and yes, i did say ELEVEN hours.

I really would love to write more at this point, but my soul cries out for sleep....or at least a stiff drink.


PS:Okay maybe I don't really want a new face....I kindof like my face...but...the 20lbs would still be nice. Skinny Sticks.....jeeez.

PpS: I had a "pregnant" dream again last night. What is up with that shit? Must be something I'm eating...

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