"Anyday now you will call me on the phone..."

January 06, 2003 : 12:11 am
Now Playing: Weezer: "Knock-Down drag-out"
Porn Title of the Day:
on the phone tonight (this is shortened because we are way sappier than this):

me: okay, well you probably want to go to bed now, so i think I'll go.

len: okay, give me a call when you're up tomorrow

me: Yep. ...Man, there was something i've been meaning to tell you today and i forget what it was. Shit.

len: Was it important?

me: No, I guess not. Oh well, nevermind.

len: okay, talk to you tomorrow. love you..

me: love you too...goodnight

len: goodnight


***15 minutes pass***

len: *sleepy* hello?

me: hi, sorry. I remember what i was going to tell you now. Your remote is in my bag.

len: my remote is in your...

me: your remote control for your TV. It's in my purse. I don't know why.

len: *laughs* Okay, thanks.

me: no problem. love you.

len: love you too. night.

me: night.


We are so, so weird.

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