"Me = Tired"

February 14, 2003 : 4:53 am
Now Playing: Sloan - If it Feels Good Do It
Porn Title of the Day:
I got my package from Will today. Joy and delight! It contained nothing but good lovin. Now I have many a previously-unheard song to listen to whilst going about my dail routine. You rock my socks! (I vowed i would never use that expression, so that should tell you something)

Speaking of mail, if anyone, ANYWHERE can find me a black Jack Daniels' hoodie (with the Old No. 7 logo on it), I will hereby give that person a cookie. I don't care if it's in Ubekistan...I must find one. Len's birthday will be upon us in a month and a half.

Honestly people, I have scoured the internet and my local shops and services. Please email me if you can be of assistance.

PS: as this is valentine's day, please indulge yourselves in this wonderful site I found: Anti-Valentine's Day Cards. So funny, I nearly peed. I also sent out a slew of them...so if you got one...yeah, sorry.

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