"Please ignore this entry. It's written for release purposes only."

August 28, 2003 : 4:46 pm
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My whole life I have tried not to become one of those fucked-up people that are so fucked-up that other people begin avoiding them because it just gets annoying after awhile.

Well, about ten minutes ago, I lost it....totally lost it. All my clothes are in the wash and I was in the basement going through my mom's ironing trying to find this white skirt that I haven't even looked at in a year, and it wasn't there, and I flipped out, kicked the deep freeze while screaming at the top of my lungs, and then proceeded to weep uncontrollably for a solid five minutes. If you were standing in my driveway, you probably would have been able to hear the whole thing. I called Len and tried to explain why I was so upset, and couldn't come up with anything more than my plans that I was sitting around waiting for got messed up, I can't find my favourite jean skirt, my dad left before I could ask him for money, which means that I have a grand total of five dollars to see me through the next 24 hours AND I have to buy my parents an anniversary card with said five dollars...not to mention the fact that I have negative twenty dollars in BOTh of my bank accounts. Well, actually since it's the end of the month, I probably have even less than that, which means that when I get paid my first paycheque(which isn't for another WEEK), the bank is already going to take a big fucking chunk of it.

Besides all that, I spent my day off sitting around doing fuck all, because I can't afford to go anywhere or do anything, nor would I be able to think of anywhere to go or anything to do even if I could.

So, I guess today I've officially arrived. I'm fucked. Avoid away...I don't blame you.

I'm still crying......what the hell is wrong with me?????

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