
September 04, 2003 : 12:37 am
Now Playing: that really catchy jimmy-eat-world song from the pepsi commercial.
Porn Title of the Day:
Today I worked all by myself for eight hours with no break in a store I have never worked in before.

....does it sound weird to YOU?

Currently I am drinking long-cold coffee and eating Torengos...you know those tortilla chips that come in a tube like pringles and have those really stupid commercials? Well anyway, they're damned good.

Yesterday I got paid for the first time in a very, very long time. I bought fudge and I am happy.

However, I think I'm coming down with something...over the past 24 hours my throat has been getting progressively more sore everytime I swallow. At the moment, it's rather unpleasant indeed, and I believe earlier my description of the pain including the words "a thousand devils". I'm glad Vitamin C tastes so good.

God damn.

I don't have anything else to say.

Well, Ghost World was a really good movie.

That's all.

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