"Some folks'll never eat a skunk, but then again, some folk'll...Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel..."

September 09, 2003 : 2:12 pm
Now Playing: Portishead - Undenied
Porn Title of the Day:
Len has mentioned a couple of times that he wanted to see the movie Deliverance, because his friend Mike told him it was a great "canoein' & campin'" movie. I warned him that this was not *exactly* what I had heard about the movie, but last night I rented it for him nonetheless.


You should all rent it, but it is depressing as hell. Well, maybe not depressing...I think "unsettling" would be a better choice of adjective. Basically, these four friends decide they're going to canoe down this mighty river somewhere in the deep, deep south. Turns out, the local mountain men/hillbillies/inbreds aren't too happy about that, and it just goes from there. That's about all I can tell you about it, besides the fact that it takes Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel (sp?) to an WHOLE new level. **shudder** Anyway, see it. It's a ridiculously good movie. Just hurts the ol' brain a little.

In other news, I'm currently reading a book. No, thank you, no appluase is necessary. No, please, please sit down. Heh. Anyway, it's called "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius", by Dave Eggers, and it is utter insanity. It's amazing. Will, this one's for you...read the damn book. here's some quotes:

"At the end of the driveway my father knelt. Beth watched and it was kind of pretty for a second, him just kneeling there in the grey winter window. Then she knew. He had been falling. In the kitchen, the shower. She ran and flung open the door, threw the screen wide and ran to him."

"We run back across the highway, back into the red Civic and keep driving. Past the surfers, through the eucalyptus forest before Half Moon Bay, birds swooping up and over and then back, circling around us-they too, for us!-then the cliffs before Seaside-then flat for a little while, then a few more bends and can you see this motherfucking sky? I mean, have you fucking been to California?"

....and, yeah. I'm only on page 63. So, it's damned good. Read it. Love it.

PS: Look it's me being cozy:

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