"nothing i've become"

September 11, 2003 : 1:19 am
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Porn Title of the Day:

This is the picture that inspired some guy to hack into www.wouldyouhitthis.com and put me at #1 on the whole site overall. It was right on the creepy/cool line, I must say. Kinda funny when you looked at the page with the top ten pics on it: nine blondes with fake...tans, and me.

I have a new friend named Nick. His interests include: intellectual bands I have never heard of, arguing, being mean to people he doesn't know, and puppies.

Tomorrow I work 8-4 and I am contemplating the hari-kari already.

Goodnight my pretties.

"...and what's it like, living life, you may ask,
standing on the other side of two-way glass?
Well, it's not all it's cracked up to be, I'll tell you that much
...you can look, but you can't touch."


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