"Two weeks until my birthday."

November 03, 2003 : 11:17 am
Now Playing: rolling stones - ruby tuesday
Porn Title of the Day: Dr. Jerkoff and Mr. Hard
My life is the picture of insanity. However it's more like one of those crazy/beautiful sort of things. Well, generally. I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I haven't stopped writing altogether, but I've mostly shifted over to livejournal at this time. Their "friends-only" posting option sortof appeals to me. So, yeah. Everyone should get a livejournal, and be my friend. My paid Diaryland account expires in a day or two I think, which sucks really because I have a lot of pictures stored on diaryland. However, if i can sucker one of my credit-card enabled friends, I'll probably try for a paid livejournal membership instead, so I'll have livejournal codes a-plenty to give away to all who believe. Or something.

...did I mention my life is insane?

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